FAQ Business Clients

Question: We are using QuickBooks. How do we share our QB files with Stephen Patota CPA, LLC?

Answer: Your QB file is hosted online with our partner, Compnet, and you have 24/7 access to your files online.

Question: How is the work done?

Answer: We use the Stephen Patota CPA, LLC portal as an online workflow. Clients upload their business and tax documents, such as payroll journals, vendor invoices and bank statements to the portal, then we read these documents and take the appropriate action.

Question: Do you control our bank account?

Answer: No. The client stays in control of disbursing funds. We recommend using the QuickBooks Online Bill Pay feature, Stephen Patota CPA, LLC enters the vendor invoices, the client logs into the portal, views the invoice, then releases the funds using a PIN that only the client has.

Question: How much does the service cost?

Answer: Costs vary due to the fact that each business has differing needs. We do a walk through with you and provide a cost per month estimate.

Question: Will our business become paperless?

Answer: Your business will be well on its way to becoming paperless. All of your critical business documents are located on the Stephen Patota CPA, LLC portal in easy to use QuickBooks categories.

Question: Will we have to switch CPA Firms.
Answer: No. Other CPA's have used our platform and really liked it. Your CPA can have access to our platform and your data.